Learn Theology with a Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms PDF
# Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms PDF Download ## Introduction - What is theology and why it is important to study it - What are theological terms and why they are useful to know - What is a pocket dictionary of theological terms and what are its benefits ## What is Theology and Why It is Important to Study It - Theology is the study of God and his relation to the world and human beings - Theology helps us to understand the nature, character, will and works of God - Theology also helps us to understand ourselves, our purpose, our destiny and our responsibilities as God's creatures - Theology shapes our worldview, our values, our ethics and our spirituality ## What are Theological Terms and Why They are Useful to Know - Theological terms are words or phrases that express specific concepts or ideas related to theology - Theological terms help us to communicate clearly and precisely about theological matters - Theological terms also help us to learn from the history of theology and the contributions of various theologians - Theological terms can enrich our vocabulary, our understanding and our appreciation of theology ## What is a Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms and What are Its Benefits - A pocket dictionary of theological terms is a small and handy book that contains definitions of over 300 theological terms - A pocket dictionary of theological terms can be used as a quick reference guide for theological studies, readings, lectures and writing assignments - A pocket dictionary of theological terms can also be used as a tool for personal growth, spiritual formation and theological reflection - A pocket dictionary of theological terms covers English terms, foreign terms, theological movements and traditions, and theologians ## How to Use a Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms - A pocket dictionary of theological terms is arranged in alphabetical order for easy access - A pocket dictionary of theological terms provides concise and clear definitions with examples and cross-references where appropriate - A pocket dictionary of theological terms also includes bibliographical references for further reading and research - A pocket dictionary of theological terms can be used in conjunction with other theological resources such as textbooks, commentaries, dictionaries and encyclopedias ## Examples of Theological Terms in a Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms - In this section, we will provide some examples of theological terms that can be found in a pocket dictionary of theological terms - We will also explain their meanings and significance for theology Term Definition Example --- --- --- Accommodation God's adaptation of his revelation to human capacities and situations God speaking in human language Anthropomorphism A figure of speech that attributes human physical characteristics to God God's eyes, hands or feet Apologetics The defense of the Christian faith against objections and criticisms C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity Atonement The work of Christ that reconciles sinners to God by dealing with the problem of sin Christ's death on the cross Canon The authoritative collection of writings that constitute Scripture for a given community The 66 books of the Protestant Bible Christology The study of the person and work of Jesus Christ The Chalcedonian Definition Covenant A solemn agreement between two parties that involves promises and obligations God's covenant with Abraham Eschatology The study of the last things or the end times The second coming of Christ Grace God's unmerited favor and love toward human beings Ephesians 2:8-9 Hermeneutics The theory and practice of interpretation The historical-critical method Incarnation The act of God becoming human in Jesus Christ John 1:14 Justification God's declaration that a sinner is righteous on the basis of Christ's righteousness Romans 3:21-26 Liberation theology A movement that emphasizes God's preferential option for the poor and oppressed Gustavo Gutierrez's A Theology of Liberation Predestination God's eternal decree that determines the destiny of human beings Ephesians 1:4-5 Trinity The doctrine that God is one in essence and three in persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit Matthew 28:19 ## Conclusion - Theology is a vital and rewarding discipline that helps us to know God and ourselves better - Theological terms are essential for communicating and learning about theology - A pocket dictionary of theological terms is a valuable resource that provides definitions of over 300 theological terms - A pocket dictionary of theological terms can be downloaded as a PDF file from various online sources ## FAQs - Q: What is the difference between theology and religion? - A: Theology is the rational and systematic study of God and his relation to the world and human beings, while religion is the lived expression of faith and devotion to God and his will. - Q: Who are some of the most influential theologians in history? - A: Some of the most influential theologians in history include Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Jürgen Moltmann. - Q: What are some of the major branches or fields of theology? - A: Some of the major branches or fields of theology include biblical theology, historical theology, systematic theology, practical theology and philosophical theology. - Q: How can I improve my theological skills and knowledge? - A: You can improve your theological skills and knowledge by reading widely and critically, engaging with other theologians and students, attending lectures and seminars, joining theological societies and journals, and applying theology to your life and ministry. - Q: Where can I find more information about theological terms and topics? - A: You can find more information about theological terms and topics by consulting other theological resources such as textbooks, commentaries, dictionaries, encyclopedias, websites, blogs and podcasts.
pocket dictionary of theological terms pdf download