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[S5E2] Business Ethics PATCHED

Holly gave the office a questionnaire, and Michael and her start the ethics meeting by dancing to the song, "Physical," but with the lyrics, "Let's get ethical." Michael explains his plan to merge the friendship between him and Holly into a relationship. Holly explains that the Business Ethics seminar is because of Ryan's fraud. Ryan tells the office what happened. He said that it was an amazing ride, even though he committed fraud. Holly discusses the questionnaires. Holly explains how time theft is horrible, but Kelly disagrees about it, telling Holly that she will take up smoking to waste time. Michael tells Holly that she is not doing a great job by setting herself up for failure.

[S5E2] Business Ethics

Holly tells the office to finish the ethics seminar. When the office refuses, Michael screams at the office telling them to get into the conference room, to which they enter the room. Holly becomes seemingly happier. Meredith gives the whole office steaks from her sex deal, and they want Meredith to keep doing what she is doing. Stanley high-fives Phyllis, saying, "Just keep the ribs coming."

A confession at an H.R. business ethics seminar leads to a dispute between Michael and Holly over whether Meredith should be fired. Dwight tries to prove to Jim how long he can go without taking a personal break

Here's an experiment for you. Take passionate experts in human resource technology. Invite cross industry experts from inside and outside HR. Mix in what's happening in people analytics today. Give them the technology to connect, hit record, pour their discussions into a beaker, mix thoroughly. And voila, you get the HR Data Labs podcast, where we explore the impact of data and analytics to your business. We may get passionate and even irreverent, that count on each episode challenging and enhancing your understanding of the way people data can be used to solve real world problems. Now, here's your host, David Turetsky.

One of the things that we're really focused on from now until the next couple of years is trying to help our HR partners become better business people. And our data tells us that for the last five to seven years, there's not been a marked increase in the number of organizations that say their HR partners are truly strategic partners, it's like 46% right now. And our goal is to help, and it has been static for the last five to seven years. And we're really trying to work with our HR partners to help them get better stats. So we're encouraging and challenging our HR partners to get to 55%, being seen as a strategic partner by the 2025 HR Technology Conference, so that we can report out better data or better results. And one of the ways that I think we can do that is start at the individual level, and work with those HR partners, those data technologist to help them start to tell the story around their data. And rather than backing away when someone challenges their data, explain what's behind the data, tell the story with the data.

That just means that the people at the board level from an HR perspective, whether that's the CHRO, or the VP of talent, or the head of compensation, who's oftentimes at the board meeting, right? They can defend those numbers, right. It's not just about, you know, being able to give them the reports, they've got to be able to defend the data. And that was one of the things we talked about at our session was the fact that the practitioner, the people on the HR, functional side, need to really understand their technology, and what they've got, how it's driving, helping drive the business, and you know, how it's generating business outcomes for them.

Well, one of the reasons why we got this reputation is because we didn't know the business, we were administrators. And we were pen, pencil pushers, or paper pushers, or both. And a lot of times, and you guys,

But because what we've done is we've just taken the forms we had in that manila envelope, the personnel action form, and just made it webified, automated. And is it adding more value? Well, no, not really. And so we're still managing those processes, even during COVID. What did HR have to do, we had to count people, we had to figure out whether they were home shorter, they were still coming to office what they had to, and we were still doing a lot of the, I guess you can say compliance work for the government on, you know, the COVID numbers. And so instead of being seen as cheerleaders, which we're not, instead of seeing being seen as strategists, which we're trying to be, we were seen is that connective tissue, which is a nice thing to be thought of, but we still weren't adding the business value, or we still weren't seen as adding the business value, to be strategic.

And I think a lot of my HR colleagues were afraid to step in that limelight. They were they were afraid because they, they weren't confident in the data, they weren't confident in their processes, they weren't confident that they were going to be able to stand up and defend what they were telling the business.

And I don't think that's going to change. I mean, given the number of processes that we have, and the acquisitions and the business growth. To me, I mean, fixing people's data is a retirement strategy.

Yeah, I don't think I've been in an organization for any length of time when you kind of really dig into the data, and then someone will tell you, Oh, that field, oh, well, that was because we needed a field to stick things into and that one allowed for six digits. So we actually stuck the hire date in that field. But when you pull it on a report, it actually means something like, but you have to have that legacy knowledge to figure that out. And to your point around acquisitions and stuff. We're seeing more and more of that. And I think you know, there is something to be challenged out to the vendors that are here too, because they rush implementations and they don't go in and they don't care about the client's data. And I don't know how we ever get that to happen. But you know, they're layering on the fancy systems, but no one's going in and doing the core work. And that never gets included in business cases to go back and clean data. And it's always just like, we need to get this done now. And you know, so you're still just serving up nice dashboards in a different look. But you're not actually changing, you know, the data, and the numbers that are coming through.

Yeah. But this goes back to how things are business case. And this is like a passion for me is, you know, let's really think about what this project is going to take, let's not just take the number that we got from the vendor, and pad that a little bit and stick that in our business case, you know, the vendor is giving us one thing, but again, they're gonna rush us through an implementation because they want to go live, and they want to recognize the revenue. And then you get into a project and you realize you don't have the time and the money and the people and the resources and the right skills to actually deal with the data. So then you're like, Well, we're gonna go live, because we've already set a date. But we'll just work on the data later. But it doesn't work.

What's the harm in it, too? We're not talking about talking about arrays or talking about why they might be leaving, they're not saying that it's saying, you know, give Sheryl a call. And those are things where ethics aren't a problem, where we start getting into the ethical problems is, is that Well, Cheryl hasn't been promoted in certain period of time, maybe you should talk to her about that, and tell her what the other job openings are going to be? Well,

Right. And this is where HR needs to get more strategic too because there's so much data. So how do you really zero in on what's important and what drives the business? And what, what metrics executives need to pay attention to?

HR has has now started to shift and use their data for the pertinent business issues that are happening today. Because the next one on the list is employee engagement. And then we've got retention and managing HR costs, you know, so it's all stuff that we're seeing right now around, who are we hiring? How are we doing in that? You know, well, recruitment market, how are we retaining people in today's hot competition market?

Yeah, I love the fact that DEI is number two, I'd love to see something like, you know, return on investment, or time to productivity, you know, productivity per employee or revenue generated per employee. And those are the things that the business cares about. And so we, as HR professionals, have to get out there, ask the business, what is it that you need from us? And it's not a turnover report. It's not a headcount report.

They have, they don't have any business use for that, unless they're being asked for headcount reduction. And then you're showing them their headcount numbers, and they go alright I'll take the top 10%.

Well, I actually look forward to working with some of those courageous contrarian organizations that are willing to keep moving. And yes, we may go into a recession. Yes, we are still going to have a war for talent. Yes, we're still gonna have all kinds of issues. And yes, we still have to solve business problems. And I'm actually looking forward to finding some of those organizations who are are willing to keep pushing forward.

In a flash-forward, the taxi driver says he knows about Gene's past. A nervous Gene proceeds to call Ed, "the disappearer", but changes his mind, saying he will handle the problem himself. In 2004, Jimmy tells Kim the "Saul Goodman" alias he used for his cell phone business gives him an instant criminal law client base. Nacho reports rumors that some cocaine Gus provides the Salamancas is inferior, which Lalo confirms. Gus tells Lalo and Juan Bolsa that Werner was building a chiller on the chicken farm under Mike's supervision, but fled with stolen cocaine, which Gus replaced with locally-acquired meth. Lalo accepts Gus' cover story but remains suspicious. Saul gives away his remaining cell phones to publicize his criminal law practice. Gus shuts down lab construction because of Lalo's suspicions and Mike sends Werner's crew home. Upset over Gus' lack of compassion for Werner, Mike refuses to accept payment during the downtime. Saul's camera crew helps generate publicity for his practice by faking a confrontation with Deputy District Attorney Oakley. Kim's client refuses a favorable plea bargain. Saul offers to help trick him into accepting. Kim refuses, but after Saul leaves she successfully runs the con herself. ("Magic Man") 041b061a72


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